A fortnightly email where Dan answers your curly questions about peculiar human behaviours.

Hardhat Hardhat

The Why #37: Why can’t I tell my hairdresser my haircut sucks?

You've been seeing this guy for years. You took the time to re-book your regular appointment a month in advance, you've driven through four suburbs at peak hour to get there, and sat stoically in a small chair, making awkward small talk for close to three hours. Then comes the big reveal and it's a mess. Horrific.

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Hardhat Hardhat

The Why #36: Why is everyone playing Wordle?

If you're on social media, no doubt, like mine, your timeline has been saturated by friends posting their cryptic Wordle score in the form of a distinct green, yellow and white, lined cubic graphic

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Dan Monheit Dan Monheit

The Why #28: Why do some people have all the luck?

We all know these people. The ones who get the rockstar parking spots, the meat trays at pub raffles and the quaddies on Cup Day. They put it down to their lucky undies, their lucky numbers, or good karma but how can this be?

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Dan Monheit Dan Monheit

The Why #26: Why do we love celebs with dad bods?

Look Emma, does it really matter why? For once, can’t we just enjoy the simple fact that it is? As a dad, with a bod, I feel like trying to get to the bottom of this is like your kids trying to get to the bottom of how the tooth fairy works. Nothing good can come of it.

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Dan Monheit Dan Monheit

The Why #23: Why did my pay rise buzz wear off so quickly?

Ah yes, we’ve all been there. For months you’ve pined over what a little bit of extra dosh will do for your happiness. You’ve imagined the luxe restaurants you’ll be able to dine at, how that magnificent new watch will look on your wrist and how much sweeter the red wine will taste when you’re not paying it off in regular instalments.

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Dan Monheit Dan Monheit

The Why #22: Why have I stopped (compulsively) checking my investments?

The day trading/commodity trading/cryptocurrency trading game is a wild ride Jono, but you already knew that, didn't you? You and the nine million other Aussie investors who truly understand the thrill of the short, the rush of an exotic derivative or the pure joy of using your Trezor to buy an NFT with Ether. No wonder you've been hitting refresh like a sneakerhead on drop day.

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Dan Monheit Dan Monheit

The Why #20: Why is it 11:11 every time I look at my watch?

It's tough to go past the 11:11 phenomena, and a quick scour of the internet reveals plenty of perfectly reasonable explanations including the 'synchronicity of the universe', 'auspicious signs', 'the opening of opportunity portals' and 'the presence of spirits'. Sigh.

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Hardhat Hardhat

The Why #18: Why do smart people believe dumb horoscopes?

It’s a great question Millie, and the rise of Pluto suggests that the answer is just around the corner (along with an event that will prompt you to reassess a close relationship and a major life decision that will require you to trust your gut).

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